who are diagnosed with moderate to severe special education needs such as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
Parents who wish to withdraw their children from Footprints International School are asked to fill out the termination of enrollment format least one week in advance, to enable the office to process all the necessary documentation.
School fees comprise tuition fees, capital and administration fees, enrolment fees and other fees as determined by Footprints.
Tuition fees cover tuition and other costs and are payable by year or by term. Parents are encouraged to pay tuition fees by year.
The enrolment fee is payable once, on first time enrolment of each new student. It is non-refundable and non-transferable. This fee holds a child’s place at the school for 5 working days only, during which time parents must complete all requested forms and payments. After the fifth day, the school cannot guarantee holding a space for the child.
Capital and Administration fees are paid annually either upon enrolment for new students, or at the end of April (generally by April 30th) for students who are moving to the next academic year. These fees are non-refundable and non-transferable.
Book Fees are payable annually and non-refundable.
A placement Test Fee is charged for administering a placement test for students before enrolment. It is non-refundable.
Cambridge Exam Fees: Footprints administers Cambridge International Examinations annually. These exams have a fee applied in the following years:
• Grade 10- IGCSE
• Grades 11-12- A or AS levels
Parents are responsible for paying the cost of the exams and are able to opt out if desired. These exams are external examinations given and marked by Cambridge International Examinations.
Replacement document fee: Footprints will write letters of recommendation for students, and will issue letters for travelling purposes. We will also fill out any forms for families for tuition fee reimbursement from work places. Footprints gives out report cards to students each term. Please note that the first copy of any document is always complimentary. If a document is lost, and a parent requests a document to be reprinted, a $3.00 fee will be charged and a 48 hour waiting period is required.
All teachers at Footprints International School are carefully selected taking into consideration their qualifications, experience and dedication, as well as their love and respect for children. They undergo regular performance evaluations, training and professional development sessions throughout the year. They are encouraged to support each other and work together in planning and teaching, sharing ideas and strategies with the team. Regular staff meetings provide opportunities for staff to undertake curriculum planning and to discuss any difficulties, questions, or issues that arise.
Please click here to view the organisational structure of Footprints International School.
Our uniform policy requires all Footprints students to wear an appropriate Footprints International School uniform to school everyday. Students are not allowed to attend classes if they are not wearing the complete uniform. The office will call parents to send the right uniform for the students. Please note that students are required to wear school shoes or black shoes. The black shoes with colored logos are acceptable. It is also the family’s responsibility to clearly label their child’s uniform. On the last Friday and Saturday of the month, there is a school-wide “Casual Dress” day.
Children and adults flourish best in an orderly environment in which they know what is expected of them, and in which they feel safe, secure and protected. We strive to provide a situation in which children can develop self-discipline and self-esteem in an atmosphere of mutual respect and encouragement.
Students at Footprints International School are expected to manage their behaviour in an age appropriate way, and to treat one another with respect and care, to express their feelings and needs through appropriate words and not through unwelcome, unkind, threatening, or dangerous actions.
Any behaviour which makes another child feel unsafe, put down, or contravenes the school or classroom behavioural codes is unacceptable and is dealt with promptly by the nearest staff member. Generally, infringement of school rules (both written and understood) are handled by the teachers involved according to the Footprints International School
Behavioural Management and Discipline Policy:
Teachers are encouraged to confer with the School Principal whenever they deem necessary. Continuing misbehaviour or serious first time breaches of our Behavioural Code may result in a discussion with parents, and consequent action will be taken.
For students with serious behavioural problems a behavioural contract will be made with the head teacher, student, Principal/Director and with the child’s parents. Footprints reserves the right to expel a student from school if their behaviour is repeatedly destructive and damaging to themselves and the others around them.
Our behavioural expectations apply to students on school property, in attendance at school, and at any school-sponsored activities. These are the behavioural codes we expect at Footprints International School:
● Consider other people’s feelings
● Be honest in all situations
● Listen to others when they speak
● Respect other people’s space
● Ask permission to use other people’s property
● Be just and fair to each other and try to understand why others act as they do
● Respect the environment
● Pay attention when others are communicating with you
● Express yourself with clarity
● Share your opinion with others
● Respect the rights of others to disagree
● Inform people in a positive and kind manner
● Work in harmony for the benefit of all those involved
● Work together using critical thinking and problem-solving strategies
● Assess a situation before making value judgments
● Be flexible and willing to accept change
● Be polite with others, remember to say “please, thank you and excuse me”
● Express your appreciation to others
● Participate readily and be prepared for studying/teaching
● Support each other
● Be punctual
● Walk and talk quietly and respectfully when moving from place to place
● Keep promises that you make
● Be an active learner and keep on task
● Always do your best
● Show loyalty and stand up for what you believe in
● Take responsibility for your own actions
● Support the decision-makers
● Perseverance to achieve success
Footprints International School expects parents to also exhibit appropriate behaviour while on school grounds. At no time will parents be allowed to physically punish any child, their own included.
The purpose of the Merit and Demerit system is to provide rewards for positive behaviour and consequences for negative behaviour.
Students who demonstrate the school vision and positive behaviours can earn merits.
To earn merits, students must exhibit positive behaviour on a consistent basis.
All learners will start with 0 merit points. Every positive behaviour has a numerical point. The learner starts each semester afresh and has to accumulate new points.
Merit points will not cancel out demerit points.
Merit entries will be submitted through a Google form.
Students with top merits points will be given certificate/s of recognition of their positive behaviour at the end of every semester.
A student must at least have 50 points from three different SLO embodiments to receive a Values Award.
Teachers and administrators are expected to handle minor disciplinary incidents in the classroom as well as in common areas of the school such as hallways, the cafeteria and during assemblies. While verbal reprimands are usually appropriate and sufficient to correct minor misbehaviour, some incidents may be disruptive enough or persistent enough to warrant interventions such as losing privileges, staying after class, or receiving demerits.
Major infractions may result in disciplinary action that is not addressed through the use of demerits. The demerits are designed to document and track repeated minor disciplinary infractions. Accumulation of demerits by students who consistently disrupt the learning environment will eventually result in administrative discipline.
All disciplinary actions are to the discretion of the school. The school will acknowledge the age of the learners when deciding on a sanction.
All learners will start with 0 demerit points. Unacceptable behaviour has a numerical point.
Demerit entry is submitted after several verbal warnings.
If a learner reaches 10 demerit points he/she will receive a detention during his/her lunch on a Friday of the same week.
A learner’s points will not be re-adjusted to 0 once detention was done.
Demerit entries will be submitted through a Google form.
Any student who has accumulated 5 points will be given a Teacher Written Warning.
Click here to view the 2023 student yearbook.
Important dates for the academic year 2024 – 2025
School fees comprise tuition fees, capital and administration fees, enrolment fees and other fees as determined by Footprints.