To begin the enrolment process, you may call 017 222 084 or 087 222 084 to make an appointment at one of our branches.
To enrol at Footprints, please submit the following mandatory documents:
Footprints requires our students to bring their own devices to school for Google Classroom. Parents must also bring their devices (Laptop, Chromebook, or Tablet) to register with the Parent Liaison Officer.
The IT Representative will install a firewall on every device to ensure the safety and security of your child while browsing. Social media, adult websites, and non-educational websites are blocked. This policy is only applicable for Grade 6 to Grade 12.
Our Parent Liaison Officer will contact you to schedule a family screening interview. The purpose of this interview is for us to make an assessment of your child’s academic and social development, learn about your family, and gain insight into your child’s educational aspirations and interests.
Students applying for placement are required to sit for an age-appropriate Mathematics and Literacy placement test to ensure that they are prepared for the high quality of education offered at Footprints International School. These must be scheduled through the office in advance.
Students and Parents will be provided with their own Footprints email addresses. The Footprints email will be the medium of communication between parents and teachers, as well as being used for logging into Google Classroom.
Our IT Representative will assist parents with access to Footprints email at the school to ensure that it is working properly.
Once your child has been accepted, payment of enrolment, capital, and administration fees must be made before your child can start studying. Once the capital and administration fee has been paid, your child’s place will be guaranteed. Footprints has a limited number of students per grade level
For Bank Deposit/Transfer:
Note: Please include the full name, grade, and campus of your child. You can also email the school to inform that you have paid via bank transfer to | |
Visit Footprints International School Campuses or call 017 222 084 | 087 222 084 to make an appointment. Our Parent Liaison Officer will inform you if we have space for new enrolments in the grade you are interested in.
Our Parent Liaison Officer will contact you to schedule a family screening interview. The purpose of this interview is for us to make an assessment of your child’s academic and social development, learn about your family, and gain insight into your child’s educational aspirations and interests.
Students applying for placement are required to sit for an age-appropriate Mathematics and Literacy placement test to ensure that they are prepared for the high quality of education offered at Footprints International School. These must be scheduled through the office in advance.
As the next step in your application, certain mandatory documents should be submitted:
1) Birth Certificate or passport
2) Previous school report cards or transcripts
3) Vaccination Record
4) Official transfer document for Khmer Curriculum (Grade 2 and above)
5) Two 4 x 6 cm colored photographs (Individual photographs of the student and parents/guardians).
Students and Parents will be provided with their own Footprints email addresses. The Footprints email will be the medium of communication between parents and teachers, as well as being used for logging into Google Classroom.
Our IT Representative will assist parents with access to Footprints email at the school to ensure that it is working properly.
Footprints requires our students to bring their own devices to school for Google Classroom. Parents must also bring their devices (Laptop, Chromebook, or Tablet) to register with the Parent Liaison Officer.
The IT Representative will install a firewall on every device to ensure the safety and security of your child while browsing. Social media, adult websites, and non-educational websites are blocked. This policy is only applicable for Grade 4 to Grade 12.
Once your child has been accepted, payment of enrolment, capital, and administration fees must be made before your child can start studying. Once the capital and administration fee has been paid, your child’s place will be guaranteed. Footprints has a limited number of students per grade level
For Bank Deposit/Transfer:
Note: Please include the full name, grade, and campus of your child. You can also email the school to inform that you have paid via bank transfer to | |