Footprints Art & Technology Exhibit 2022

 May 06 ,2022

This month, Footprints International School held an Art and Technology Exhibit at each of its two campuses. The TK campus was supervised by Mr. Lardy and Mr. Antonio on May 19, 2022. On the following day, the TTP campus conducted the same event managed by Ms. Frida and Mr. Hamza.

The success of this exhibition would not have turned into reality without the efforts of all the students in lower and upper secondary. They created such beautiful paintings, drawings, DIY computer models, digital artwork, and programming language applications.

We opened an eSports (electronic sports) tournament at every grade level on both campuses. The mobile revolution has allowed users to access these games anywhere; they no longer have to sit at home in front of their computers to play or watch online sports. These technological advances have allowed eSports to become a more prevalent part of our day-to-day lives.