My Words and Actions Matter: Raising Awareness About Bullying and How We Can Take Action

 September 02 ,2024

As part of our ongoing commitment to creating a safe and nurturing environment for all our students, Footprints International School and the Centre for Wellbeing and Career Excellence  is proud to participate in Anti-Bullying Week 2024, themed “Choose Respect.” This global campaign, which our school will celebrate from September 2nd to Friday, September 6th, 2024, encourages everyone—students, parents, and educators alike—to focus on respect in all interactions to help combat bullying. This is a crucial topic, and understanding it better can empower our community to take meaningful steps to prevent and stop bullying.

Understanding Bullying

Bullying is a repetitive and intentional behaviour where one person exerts power over another, causing harm, fear, or distress. It can take many forms, including physical, verbal, social, and cyberbullying. The impacts of bullying can be devastating, leading to long-term emotional and psychological issues for those involved, whether they are the target, the bully, or even a bystander.

According to UNICEF, bullying is not just a childhood issue but a societal one, with deep-rooted effects that can follow individuals into adulthood. The American Psychological Association (APA) emphasises the importance of addressing bullying early, noting that the emotional scars can last a lifetime.

The Role of Awareness

Raising awareness about bullying is crucial in preventing and addressing it. When students, parents, and educators understand what bullying is and recognise the signs, they are better equipped to take action. Awareness also helps to create a culture of empathy and respect, where bullying behaviours are less likely to thrive.

During Anti-Bullying Week at Footprints International School, we will engage our students in activities and discussions that highlight the importance of kindness and inclusion. By fostering an environment where students feel valued and supported, we can reduce the likelihood of bullying occurring. At the heart of our efforts, we remind everyone that “My Words and Actions Matter“, underscoring the powerful impact each person can have in creating a positive school culture.

How Students Can Help Stop Bullying

  • Be an Upstander, Not a Bystander: Students are encouraged to speak up when they see someone being bullied. Supporting the victim, either by intervening directly if it’s safe or by seeking help from an adult, can make a significant difference.
  • Practice Kindness, Inclusion and Respect: Being a buddy, not a bully, means reaching out to others, especially those who might feel left out. Small acts of kindness and respect can go a long way in making everyone feel welcome.
  • Understand and Manage Emotions: It’s important for students to recognize their own feelings and learn how to express them in healthy ways. This self-awareness can prevent negative behaviours from escalating into bullying.

How Parents Can Help Stop Bullying

  • Talk to Your Child: Regular conversations about school life can help parents identify any issues early on. If your child mentions that they or someone they know is being bullied, take it seriously and discuss how to address it.
  • Model Positive Behaviour: Children learn from their parents. Demonstrating empathy, kindness, and respect in your own interactions sets a powerful example for your child.
  • Stay Informed: Understanding the different forms of bullying and the signs to look for can help parents recognise when their child might be involved in bullying, whether as a victim, perpetrator, or bystander. The UNICEF article “Bullying: What is it and how to stop it” as well as articles from organisations like the Anti-Bullying Alliance are valuable resources for parents looking to learn more about this issue.
  • Work with the School: If you suspect your child is being bullied, or if they are bullying others, communicate with the school. Working together with teachers and administrators ensures a coordinated and effective response.

Raising awareness about bullying is not just about recognizing the problem—it’s about taking concrete steps to address it. At Footprints International School, we believe that every student has the right to feel safe and respected. By working together and remembering that “My Words and Actions Matter,” we can create a culture of kindness and respect that makes our school a welcoming place for all.

We hope you join us in this important effort during Anti-Bullying Week 2024. Together, let’s “Choose Respect” and make a difference in the lives of our students.