
Footprints International School, Early Childhood Curriculum is designed around different topics. Each month, pupils have a different Science or Social Studies unit which they focus on. Within this topic the teacher covers all the other subjects in a cross-curricular manner. Pupils are given time to be creative and innovative during drama and role playing and rhythmic/music time. We also designate time for sensory and fine motor skills, and core subjects such as phonics, math’s and story time.


  • I am kind to others.
  • I think about how my actions affect people.
  • I am excited to share, help and work together.
  • I can understand the feelings of others.
  • I use kind words.
  • I can say and show what I think and feel.


  • I can use what I know to try new ideas to do my crafts, workbooks and worksheets.
  • I believe that I can do and understand my work by using pictures, sounds and actions.
  • I try my best even if something is difficult.
  • I will try, I can do better and I can do my best.
  • I know its okay to make mistakes and I learn from them.