(English) Ensuring Safe and Responsible Gaming for Your Child

 May 17 ,2024

(English) In today’s digital age, children are increasingly turning to video games as a form of entertainment and social interaction. As a parent, it is important to be proactive in ensuring that your child’s gaming experience is not only enjoyable but also safe and responsible. Here are some key tips to help you navigate the world of gaming with your child:

  1. Check the age-appropriateness of the game: Before allowing your child to play a new game, take the time to research and read reviews on websites like CommonSenseMedia.org and app stores. These platforms provide valuable insights into the content and suitability of games for different age groups.
  2. Switch on parental controls: Most gaming consoles and devices offer parental control features that allow you to set time limits on gaming and monitor your child’s online activity. Take advantage of these tools to ensure that your child is not spending excessive amounts of time gaming.
  3. Create a shared gaming space: Instead of allowing your child to game in private spaces like bedrooms or study areas, consider setting up gaming stations in shared family spaces. This not only allows you to monitor your child’s gaming habits but also encourages family bonding and interaction.
  4. Join your child in the game: Take some time to play games with your child to show that you are interested in their hobbies and to bond over a shared activity. This can also provide you with valuable insights into the content and nature of the games your child is playing.
  5. Emphasise online safety: Teach your child about the importance of protecting personal information, recognising online threats, and being respectful during online interactions. Encourage open communication about any concerns or issues that may arise while gaming online.
  6. Watch out for gambling-like elements: Be vigilant for games that include gambling-like elements, such as games of chance within gameplay. These features may give the impression that winning is easy and could potentially encourage teenagers to engage in real-life gambling activities in the future.


By following these tips and staying actively involved in your child’s gaming experience, you can help ensure that they have a safe, enjoyable, and responsible gaming experience. Remember, open communication and setting clear boundaries are key to fostering a healthy relationship with gaming in your family.
