

Meet our Student Council Officers of 2024-2025

(English) Penghong Phearakyuth
(English) President (TK)
(English) King Chhadaphea
(English) Vice President (TK)
(English) Dimang Sakura
(English) Treasurer (TK)
(English) Kong Sokvathana
(English) Secretary (TK)
(English) Thon Sarah Vody
(English) CS - in school (TK)
(English) Ma Lyphing
(English) CS - out of school (TK)
(English) Cheng Solida Malika Tepy
(English) Events (TK)
(English) Try Romnea
(English) Comms & Marketing (TK)
(English) Chan Sovann Veda
(English) Wellbeing (TK)
(English) Kao Enchansereyreaksa
(English) Sales (TK)
(English) Hok Kasing
(English) Class rep (TK)
(English) Do Sunhak
(English) President (TTP)
(English) Ly Mengphea
(English) Vice President (TTP)
(English) Tang Ghechchou
(English) Secretary (TTP)
(English) Meng Kimhorng
(English) Treasurer (TTP)
(English) Vathanak Rattanakvisal
(English) CS - in school (TTP)
(English) Moniroth Moeng
(English) CS - out of school (TTP)
(English) Mam Kannhapich
(English) Events (TTP)
(English) Svay Kimlita
(English) Comms & Marketing (TTP)
(English) Oeng Viya Vortey
(English) Wellbeing (TTP)
(English) Muntaha Tanvin
(English) Class Rep (TTP)
(English) Lim Sok Kelly
(English) Sales (TTP)

(English) Health Center



Balance is the key to holistic health, and by adopting strategies to support each of the following five dimensions, students will be better prepared to tackle the difficulties, challenges, successes and joys that life presents.


  1. Physical dimension: this covers a variety of factors such as adequate exercise, proper nutrition, staying away from harmful substances, going for regular medical checks, and identifying symptoms of disease. In order to maintain optimal physical health, it is important that students:
    – Engage in age-appropriate, fun and varied exercise every day.
    – Get enough sleep – at least 8 hours every night.
    – Eat a balanced diet, avoiding sodas, excess sugar and processed foods, as well as not skipping meals.
  2. Emotional Dimension: this refers to the ability to express emotions, the ability to love and be loved, and the freedom and support to achieve fulfilment in life. Emotional health includes striving for optimal levels of self–esteem, confidence and self-acceptance. To ensure emotional wellbeing, we strive to assist students with being able to:
    – Maintain a positive attitude, even when difficulties and challenges arise.
    – Manage their time wisely to reduce stress levels.
    – Openly share their feelings with others.
    – Seek help when it is needed.
  3. Social Dimension: This describes students’ interactions with other people, living up to familial, educational and societal expectations and demands, creating a reliable support group, respecting oneself and others, and contributing positively to the community. To ensure a healthy social dimension, we encourage our students to:
    – Become actively involved in their community, campus activities and events.
    – Engage in voluntary work by sharing their skills and talents.
    – Cultivate healthy relationships.
  4. Intellectual Dimension: This refers to encouraging oneself to be creative, engaging in lifelong learning, expanding one’s knowledge, and improving one’s skills. To master this dimension, we encourage our students to:
    – Keep up to date with current events.
    – Participate in activities that stimulate critical thinking and to embrace curiosity.
    – Cultivate a growth-mindset, which suggests that our basic abilities can be advanced through hard work and commitment.
    – To perceive failure as the opportunity to learn, and to celebrate every success.
  5. Spiritual Dimension: This describes the guiding beliefs, principles and values that give direction and meaning to our lives. This involves one’s faith, hope, values and commitments that provide one with a sense of meaning and purpose in life. We encourage our students to:
    – Make time for quiet contemplation and gratitude every day.
    – Explore whichever spiritual path they are drawn to.
    – Find ways to enhance their spiritual health.
    – Take time to self-reflect.
    – Practice mindfulness and meditation.


(English) Health Center



Balance is the key to holistic health, and by adopting strategies to support each of the following five dimensions, students will be better prepared to tackle the difficulties, challenges, successes and joys that life presents.


  1. Physical dimension: this covers a variety of factors such as adequate exercise, proper nutrition, staying away from harmful substances, going for regular medical checks, and identifying symptoms of disease. In order to maintain optimal physical health, it is important that students:
    – Engage in age-appropriate, fun and varied exercise every day.
    – Get enough sleep – at least 8 hours every night.
    – Eat a balanced diet, avoiding sodas, excess sugar and processed foods, as well as not skipping meals.
  2. Emotional Dimension: this refers to the ability to express emotions, the ability to love and be loved, and the freedom and support to achieve fulfilment in life. Emotional health includes striving for optimal levels of self–esteem, confidence and self-acceptance. To ensure emotional wellbeing, we strive to assist students with being able to:
    – Maintain a positive attitude, even when difficulties and challenges arise.
    – Manage their time wisely to reduce stress levels.
    – Openly share their feelings with others.
    – Seek help when it is needed.
  3. Social Dimension: This describes students’ interactions with other people, living up to familial, educational and societal expectations and demands, creating a reliable support group, respecting oneself and others, and contributing positively to the community. To ensure a healthy social dimension, we encourage our students to:
    – Become actively involved in their community, campus activities and events.
    – Engage in voluntary work by sharing their skills and talents.
    – Cultivate healthy relationships.
  4. Intellectual Dimension: This refers to encouraging oneself to be creative, engaging in lifelong learning, expanding one’s knowledge, and improving one’s skills. To master this dimension, we encourage our students to:
    – Keep up to date with current events.
    – Participate in activities that stimulate critical thinking and to embrace curiosity.
    – Cultivate a growth-mindset, which suggests that our basic abilities can be advanced through hard work and commitment.
    – To perceive failure as the opportunity to learn, and to celebrate every success.
  5. Spiritual Dimension: This describes the guiding beliefs, principles and values that give direction and meaning to our lives. This involves one’s faith, hope, values and commitments that provide one with a sense of meaning and purpose in life. We encourage our students to:
    – Make time for quiet contemplation and gratitude every day.
    – Explore whichever spiritual path they are drawn to.
    – Find ways to enhance their spiritual health.
    – Take time to self-reflect.
    – Practice mindfulness and meditation.



The purpose of The Centre for Wellbeing and Career Excellence (CWCE) at Footprints International School is to ensure a positive school culture where everyone feels safe, cared for and supported. The focus is on various aspects, including child protection, social-emotional learning, career guidance, leadership, personal growth, and wellbeing for all students and staff.


We view mental wellbeing as an essential indicator of social, emotional, and physical wellness, extending beyond the mere absence of mental illness. We adopt the World Health Organization’s definition, which emphasises that mental health and wellbeing encompass the ability to realise one’s potential, cope with life’s stresses, work productively, and contribute to the community.



Our school embraces a whole-school approach, treating the entire school community as a unified entity. It involves coordinated action across three interconnected components: curriculum, teaching and learning, school ethos and environment, and family and community partnerships.

We strive to promote positive mental health and wellbeing for all members of our school community, including students, teachers, staff, parents, and carers. Recognising the profound impact of mental health on learning and achievement, we aim to support students in developing resilience, happiness, and success while preventing potential challenges before they arise.

Our Centre for Wellbeing and Career Excellence plays a vital role in creating a nurturing and supportive environment.It provides resources for personal and emotional wellbeing, including support groups and individual counselling. Additionally, we engage parents through webinars and on-site workshops on various wellbeing-related topics.

Moreover, the Centre actively contributes to students’ career excellence by offering career assessments, individual counselling, workshops, and information sessions on post-secondary education and career options. Students are also encouraged to participate in internships and work-integrated learning programmes, bridging the gap between education and work.


Our approach to mental health and wellbeing is guided by eight key principles:

  1. Leadership and management that supports and champions efforts to promote emotional health and wellbeing.
  2. Curriculum teaching and learning to promote resilience and support social and emotional learning.
  3. Enabling student voice to influence decisions.
  4. Staff development to support their own wellbeing and that of students.
  5. Identifying needs and monitoring the impact of interventions.
  6. Working with parents and carers.
  7. Targeted support and appropriate referrals.
  8. An ethos and environment that promotes respect and values diversity.





The purpose of The Centre for Wellbeing and Career Excellence (CWCE) at Footprints International School is to ensure a positive school culture where everyone feels safe, cared for and supported. The focus is on various aspects, including child protection, social-emotional learning, career guidance, leadership, personal growth, and wellbeing for all students and staff.


We view mental wellbeing as an essential indicator of social, emotional, and physical wellness, extending beyond the mere absence of mental illness. We adopt the World Health Organization’s definition, which emphasises that mental health and wellbeing encompass the ability to realise one’s potential, cope with life’s stresses, work productively, and contribute to the community.



Our school embraces a whole-school approach, treating the entire school community as a unified entity. It involves coordinated action across three interconnected components: curriculum, teaching and learning, school ethos and environment, and family and community partnerships.

We strive to promote positive mental health and wellbeing for all members of our school community, including students, teachers, staff, parents, and carers. Recognising the profound impact of mental health on learning and achievement, we aim to support students in developing resilience, happiness, and success while preventing potential challenges before they arise.

Our Centre for Wellbeing and Career Excellence plays a vital role in creating a nurturing and supportive environment.It provides resources for personal and emotional wellbeing, including support groups and individual counselling. Additionally, we engage parents through webinars and on-site workshops on various wellbeing-related topics.

Moreover, the Centre actively contributes to students’ career excellence by offering career assessments, individual counselling, workshops, and information sessions on post-secondary education and career options. Students are also encouraged to participate in internships and work-integrated learning programmes, bridging the gap between education and work.


Our approach to mental health and wellbeing is guided by eight key principles:

  1. Leadership and management that supports and champions efforts to promote emotional health and wellbeing.
  2. Curriculum teaching and learning to promote resilience and support social and emotional learning.
  3. Enabling student voice to influence decisions.
  4. Staff development to support their own wellbeing and that of students.
  5. Identifying needs and monitoring the impact of interventions.
  6. Working with parents and carers.
  7. Targeted support and appropriate referrals.
  8. An ethos and environment that promotes respect and values diversity.


(English) Nutrition


To be healthy and live a long life, proper nutrition is crucial. The food we consume contains essential nutrients such as protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes, which provide us with the energy and nourishment we need to be healthy, active, and able to learn, think, work, and move. When we do not get enough of these nutrients, it can lead to illnesses and infections.

Eating a variety of colourful and natural foods, such as fruits and vegetables, helps to promote healthy growth and prevent health problems. At Footprints, we encourage our students to bring their own nutritious lunches and snacks to school, or alternatively, to sign up for our healthy lunch menu.

Parents are urged to help their children choose well-balanced, wholesome, and appropriately sized snacks to bring to school. Sweet and sugary foods can leave students feeling tired, shaky or unfocused, while food which is nutritious gives students extra energy to concentrate and focus in class.


(English) Nutrition


To be healthy and live a long life, proper nutrition is crucial. The food we consume contains essential nutrients such as protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes, which provide us with the energy and nourishment we need to be healthy, active, and able to learn, think, work, and move. When we do not get enough of these nutrients, it can lead to illnesses and infections.

Eating a variety of colourful and natural foods, such as fruits and vegetables, helps to promote healthy growth and prevent health problems. At Footprints, we encourage our students to bring their own nutritious lunches and snacks to school, or alternatively, to sign up for our healthy lunch menu.

Parents are urged to help their children choose well-balanced, wholesome, and appropriately sized snacks to bring to school. Sweet and sugary foods can leave students feeling tired, shaky or unfocused, while food which is nutritious gives students extra energy to concentrate and focus in class.

(English) Health Center



Balance is the key to holistic health, and by adopting strategies to support each of the following five dimensions, students will be better prepared to tackle the difficulties, challenges, successes and joys that life presents.


  1. Physical dimension: this covers a variety of factors such as adequate exercise, proper nutrition, staying away from harmful substances, going for regular medical checks, and identifying symptoms of disease. In order to maintain optimal physical health, it is important that students:
    – Engage in age-appropriate, fun and varied exercise every day.
    – Get enough sleep – at least 8 hours every night.
    – Eat a balanced diet, avoiding sodas, excess sugar and processed foods, as well as not skipping meals.
  2. Emotional Dimension: this refers to the ability to express emotions, the ability to love and be loved, and the freedom and support to achieve fulfilment in life. Emotional health includes striving for optimal levels of self–esteem, confidence and self-acceptance. To ensure emotional wellbeing, we strive to assist students with being able to:
    – Maintain a positive attitude, even when difficulties and challenges arise.
    – Manage their time wisely to reduce stress levels.
    – Openly share their feelings with others.
    – Seek help when it is needed.
  3. Social Dimension: This describes students’ interactions with other people, living up to familial, educational and societal expectations and demands, creating a reliable support group, respecting oneself and others, and contributing positively to the community. To ensure a healthy social dimension, we encourage our students to:
    – Become actively involved in their community, campus activities and events.
    – Engage in voluntary work by sharing their skills and talents.
    – Cultivate healthy relationships.
  4. Intellectual Dimension: This refers to encouraging oneself to be creative, engaging in lifelong learning, expanding one’s knowledge, and improving one’s skills. To master this dimension, we encourage our students to:
    – Keep up to date with current events.
    – Participate in activities that stimulate critical thinking and to embrace curiosity.
    – Cultivate a growth-mindset, which suggests that our basic abilities can be advanced through hard work and commitment.
    – To perceive failure as the opportunity to learn, and to celebrate every success.
  5. Spiritual Dimension: This describes the guiding beliefs, principles and values that give direction and meaning to our lives. This involves one’s faith, hope, values and commitments that provide one with a sense of meaning and purpose in life. We encourage our students to:
    – Make time for quiet contemplation and gratitude every day.
    – Explore whichever spiritual path they are drawn to.
    – Find ways to enhance their spiritual health.
    – Take time to self-reflect.
    – Practice mindfulness and meditation.


(English) Health Center



Balance is the key to holistic health, and by adopting strategies to support each of the following five dimensions, students will be better prepared to tackle the difficulties, challenges, successes and joys that life presents.


  1. Physical dimension: this covers a variety of factors such as adequate exercise, proper nutrition, staying away from harmful substances, going for regular medical checks, and identifying symptoms of disease. In order to maintain optimal physical health, it is important that students:
    – Engage in age-appropriate, fun and varied exercise every day.
    – Get enough sleep – at least 8 hours every night.
    – Eat a balanced diet, avoiding sodas, excess sugar and processed foods, as well as not skipping meals.
  2. Emotional Dimension: this refers to the ability to express emotions, the ability to love and be loved, and the freedom and support to achieve fulfilment in life. Emotional health includes striving for optimal levels of self–esteem, confidence and self-acceptance. To ensure emotional wellbeing, we strive to assist students with being able to:
    – Maintain a positive attitude, even when difficulties and challenges arise.
    – Manage their time wisely to reduce stress levels.
    – Openly share their feelings with others.
    – Seek help when it is needed.
  3. Social Dimension: This describes students’ interactions with other people, living up to familial, educational and societal expectations and demands, creating a reliable support group, respecting oneself and others, and contributing positively to the community. To ensure a healthy social dimension, we encourage our students to:
    – Become actively involved in their community, campus activities and events.
    – Engage in voluntary work by sharing their skills and talents.
    – Cultivate healthy relationships.
  4. Intellectual Dimension: This refers to encouraging oneself to be creative, engaging in lifelong learning, expanding one’s knowledge, and improving one’s skills. To master this dimension, we encourage our students to:
    – Keep up to date with current events.
    – Participate in activities that stimulate critical thinking and to embrace curiosity.
    – Cultivate a growth-mindset, which suggests that our basic abilities can be advanced through hard work and commitment.
    – To perceive failure as the opportunity to learn, and to celebrate every success.
  5. Spiritual Dimension: This describes the guiding beliefs, principles and values that give direction and meaning to our lives. This involves one’s faith, hope, values and commitments that provide one with a sense of meaning and purpose in life. We encourage our students to:
    – Make time for quiet contemplation and gratitude every day.
    – Explore whichever spiritual path they are drawn to.
    – Find ways to enhance their spiritual health.
    – Take time to self-reflect.
    – Practice mindfulness and meditation.



The purpose of The Centre for Wellbeing and Career Excellence (CWCE) at Footprints International School is to ensure a positive school culture where everyone feels safe, cared for and supported. The focus is on various aspects, including child protection, social-emotional learning, career guidance, leadership, personal growth, and wellbeing for all students and staff.


We view mental wellbeing as an essential indicator of social, emotional, and physical wellness, extending beyond the mere absence of mental illness. We adopt the World Health Organization’s definition, which emphasises that mental health and wellbeing encompass the ability to realise one’s potential, cope with life’s stresses, work productively, and contribute to the community.



Our school embraces a whole-school approach, treating the entire school community as a unified entity. It involves coordinated action across three interconnected components: curriculum, teaching and learning, school ethos and environment, and family and community partnerships.

We strive to promote positive mental health and wellbeing for all members of our school community, including students, teachers, staff, parents, and carers. Recognising the profound impact of mental health on learning and achievement, we aim to support students in developing resilience, happiness, and success while preventing potential challenges before they arise.

Our Centre for Wellbeing and Career Excellence plays a vital role in creating a nurturing and supportive environment.It provides resources for personal and emotional wellbeing, including support groups and individual counselling. Additionally, we engage parents through webinars and on-site workshops on various wellbeing-related topics.

Moreover, the Centre actively contributes to students’ career excellence by offering career assessments, individual counselling, workshops, and information sessions on post-secondary education and career options. Students are also encouraged to participate in internships and work-integrated learning programmes, bridging the gap between education and work.


Our approach to mental health and wellbeing is guided by eight key principles:

  1. Leadership and management that supports and champions efforts to promote emotional health and wellbeing.
  2. Curriculum teaching and learning to promote resilience and support social and emotional learning.
  3. Enabling student voice to influence decisions.
  4. Staff development to support their own wellbeing and that of students.
  5. Identifying needs and monitoring the impact of interventions.
  6. Working with parents and carers.
  7. Targeted support and appropriate referrals.
  8. An ethos and environment that promotes respect and values diversity.





The purpose of The Centre for Wellbeing and Career Excellence (CWCE) at Footprints International School is to ensure a positive school culture where everyone feels safe, cared for and supported. The focus is on various aspects, including child protection, social-emotional learning, career guidance, leadership, personal growth, and wellbeing for all students and staff.


We view mental wellbeing as an essential indicator of social, emotional, and physical wellness, extending beyond the mere absence of mental illness. We adopt the World Health Organization’s definition, which emphasises that mental health and wellbeing encompass the ability to realise one’s potential, cope with life’s stresses, work productively, and contribute to the community.



Our school embraces a whole-school approach, treating the entire school community as a unified entity. It involves coordinated action across three interconnected components: curriculum, teaching and learning, school ethos and environment, and family and community partnerships.

We strive to promote positive mental health and wellbeing for all members of our school community, including students, teachers, staff, parents, and carers. Recognising the profound impact of mental health on learning and achievement, we aim to support students in developing resilience, happiness, and success while preventing potential challenges before they arise.

Our Centre for Wellbeing and Career Excellence plays a vital role in creating a nurturing and supportive environment.It provides resources for personal and emotional wellbeing, including support groups and individual counselling. Additionally, we engage parents through webinars and on-site workshops on various wellbeing-related topics.

Moreover, the Centre actively contributes to students’ career excellence by offering career assessments, individual counselling, workshops, and information sessions on post-secondary education and career options. Students are also encouraged to participate in internships and work-integrated learning programmes, bridging the gap between education and work.


Our approach to mental health and wellbeing is guided by eight key principles:

  1. Leadership and management that supports and champions efforts to promote emotional health and wellbeing.
  2. Curriculum teaching and learning to promote resilience and support social and emotional learning.
  3. Enabling student voice to influence decisions.
  4. Staff development to support their own wellbeing and that of students.
  5. Identifying needs and monitoring the impact of interventions.
  6. Working with parents and carers.
  7. Targeted support and appropriate referrals.
  8. An ethos and environment that promotes respect and values diversity.


(English) Nutrition


To be healthy and live a long life, proper nutrition is crucial. The food we consume contains essential nutrients such as protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes, which provide us with the energy and nourishment we need to be healthy, active, and able to learn, think, work, and move. When we do not get enough of these nutrients, it can lead to illnesses and infections.

Eating a variety of colourful and natural foods, such as fruits and vegetables, helps to promote healthy growth and prevent health problems. At Footprints, we encourage our students to bring their own nutritious lunches and snacks to school, or alternatively, to sign up for our healthy lunch menu.

Parents are urged to help their children choose well-balanced, wholesome, and appropriately sized snacks to bring to school. Sweet and sugary foods can leave students feeling tired, shaky or unfocused, while food which is nutritious gives students extra energy to concentrate and focus in class.


(English) Nutrition


To be healthy and live a long life, proper nutrition is crucial. The food we consume contains essential nutrients such as protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes, which provide us with the energy and nourishment we need to be healthy, active, and able to learn, think, work, and move. When we do not get enough of these nutrients, it can lead to illnesses and infections.

Eating a variety of colourful and natural foods, such as fruits and vegetables, helps to promote healthy growth and prevent health problems. At Footprints, we encourage our students to bring their own nutritious lunches and snacks to school, or alternatively, to sign up for our healthy lunch menu.

Parents are urged to help their children choose well-balanced, wholesome, and appropriately sized snacks to bring to school. Sweet and sugary foods can leave students feeling tired, shaky or unfocused, while food which is nutritious gives students extra energy to concentrate and focus in class.