Grade 5 Global Perspectives – Educational Leaders

 November 04 ,2022

Over the past two weeks, G5 students have been hard at work preparing and delivering presentations related to their Global Perspectives unit: “If I were an Educational Leader”.
In close connection with the schoolwide learner outcomes, the Sharks and Walruses students practised their global competencies as well as communication, research, analysis and collaboration skills.
Students diligently researched education in Cambodia, identified challenges that they would address if they were elected, created posters of their group goals, held campaigns and presentations and finally, held elections.
Yesterday, all primary students voted for their favourite team and educational platform. The initiative provided our students with first-hand experience of democratic processes. A big thank you to our Grade 5 teachers for making this possible. We are tremendously proud of our students who campaigned with great determination, and also appreciate all the classes who participated in the election.